• Burford Hall

    Indiana State UniversityTerre Haute, IN

  • Rate your stay at Burford Hall

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  • About Burford Hall

    Burford Hall offers double and triple occupancy rooms with private bathrooms. Features a TV lounge, laundry facility, vending area, performance space, practice rooms, WiFi, cable TV and air conditioning.

    Gender: Coed
    Residents: Freshman, Undergraduate Student

    Amenities at Burford Hall

    • TV lounge
    • Vending machines
    • Recreation room
    • Cable
    • Air Conditioning
    • WiFi
    • Laundry room
  • Resident Reviews of Burford Hall

    • Freshman  |  June 26
      Overall Dorm Grade

      [A safety concern occurred which made] the roommate [feel] so uncomfortable she switched rooms. The RA’s would mention how it’s a safety concern and this is why there are rules in place. It seems no higher ups were made aware of this situation as [another individual] moved himself into this old friends room and was living there. The “safety concern” that was mentioned was just continuously let into our so called claimed safe space. (This review has been modified to remove personally identifying information)

    Rate Your Dorm at Burford Hall

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  • Room Types at Burford Hall

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