• North Campus Midrise

    Southern Connecticut State UniversityNew Haven, CT

  • Overall Dorm Grade

    • F
      Location on Campus
    • A
      Dorm Common Areas
    • D
      Proximity to Dining
    • A
      Independent Study Space
    • A
      Room Size
    • C
      Wifi Connectivity

  • Rate your stay at North Campus Midrise

    Did you love your experience? Hate it? Help other Southern Connecticut State University students figure out which dorm they want to live in by leaving a review of North Campus Midrise.

  • About North Campus Midrise

    North Campus Midrise offers apartment-style quad-occupancy rooms. Features WiFi, cable TV, air conditioning, a study space, a game room, a computer lab, North Campus Marketplace and a laundry room.

    Gender: Coed
    Residents: Undergraduate Student

    Amenities at North Campus Midrise

    • Computer lab
    • Recreation room
    • Cable
    • Dining Hall
    • Air Conditioning
    • WiFi
    • Laundry room
    • Study lounge
  • Resident Reviews of North Campus Midrise

    4 Reviews
    Rate & Review
    • Senior  |  December 26
      Overall Dorm Grade

    • Senior  |  May 7
      Overall Dorm Grade

    • Senior  |  May 15
      Overall Dorm Grade

      It’s not convenient to the other buildings. Students never take cooking seriously. Many fire alarms and disrupt me. The dumpster isn’t in a convenient location and people trash their trash in the lobby trash. It gets filled. There’s a lot of mice.

    • Graduate Student  |  July 8
      Overall Dorm Grade

      Nice having your own bathroom. Lots of great cool air conditioning. Great features. Conn hall food has limited hours on the weekends so it’s nice to not have to eat at Conn as much.

    Rate Your Dorm at North Campus Midrise

    A B C D F
  • Room Types at North Campus Midrise

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