• University Courtyard

    Texas Southern UniversityHouston, TX

  • Overall Dorm Grade

    • A
      Location on Campus
    • A
      Dorm Common Areas
    • A
      Proximity to Dining
    • C
      Independent Study Space
    • C
      Room Size
    • F
      Wifi Connectivity

  • Rate your stay at University Courtyard

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  • About University Courtyard

    University Courtyard offers four bedroom apartments. Features WiFi and laundry facilities.

    Gender: Coed
    Residents: Undergraduate Student

    Amenities at University Courtyard

    • Laundry room
    • WiFi
  • Resident Reviews of University Courtyard

    • Freshman  |  July 6
      Overall Dorm Grade

      Just terrible! Roach infested and unprofessional staff. Especially, the hosuing manager. She was always irritated when asked to do her job and extremely disrespectful. She is also very biased and will let you stay in a dangerous situation with no resolution, only amplifying the drama. The security is also terrible. They would rather smoke with the Courtyard girls and hang out in their rooms than do their jobs. We also had a problem with random men roaming the apartments. I also blame the RA's for this problem, as they were barley at the front desk to monitor who comes in and check ID's. Girls would also have their boyfriends live with them without housing ever noticing.

    Rate Your Dorm at University Courtyard

    A B C D F
  • Room Types at University Courtyard

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