• Walker Center

    University of Oklahoma-Norman CampusNorman, OK

  • Overall Dorm Grade

    • C
      Location on Campus
    • B
      Proximity to Dining
    • B
      Independent Study Space
    • D
      Room Size
    • B
      Wifi Connectivity
    • A
      Location of Bathroom

  • Rate your stay at Walker Center

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  • About Walker Center

    Walker Center offers suite-style double occupancy rooms with a semi-private bathroom. Features WiFi, study areas and a laundry room.

    Gender: Coed
    Residents: Freshman, Undergraduate Student

    Amenities at Walker Center

    • Laundry room
    • Study lounge
    • WiFi
  • Resident Reviews of Walker Center

    • Sophomore  |  October 24
      Overall Dorm Grade

      Very awful and unsafe!! Do not live here unless you are aware that nothing will help you if you are being harassed every single day. I had the most horrible experience in these dorms and with the housing workers in these dorms. I had horrible suite-mates. All of us were freshman this year and they are both rich theater majors. They were very very very disgusting. I was the only person that ever cleaned anything. Their stuff left unclean the whole year. I talked to them about this and got nothing but a negative response from them. Instead of it helping the situation, it made it worse. After this they started spitting on my sink/stuff and leaving snotty tissues on my stuff. They went as far as leaving a used condom on my stuff. I was harassed the whole year by them. The disgusting situation from the hazardous conditions from my nasty suitemates lead me to being sick a lot. It went as far as them stealing my stuff. I had to keep most of my stuff in my bedroom because of this reason. I obtained a bunch of evidence of them harassing me with snotty tissues, spit, condoms, etc. I even had evidence of them admitting to stealing my stuff. The Walker housing workers were no help so I had to confront them myself. This obviously caused issues between us. They told me that I could go and kill myself, had their boyfriend follow me out of my room onetime, and had a man threaten to beat me up. They were absolutely psychotic. It was always hard for me to sleep at night because they were typically up at night parting very loudly in their room. It was obvious they never had to be quiet in their entire life. I’d have an exam at 8am and be hearing about their “adult film” business at 3am. If I were to explain everything that happened to me this year, I would be wiring this review for forever. I had so much evidence proving this and went to the head of housing of Walker. They waited five weeks to get back with me.

    Rate Your Dorm at Walker Center

    A B C D F
  • Room Types at Walker Center

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