Cambridge Apartments
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Whitewater, WI
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About Cambridge Apartments
Cambridge Apartments features air conditioning, WiFi, laundry facilities, an elevator, cable TV and vending machines.
Gender: CoedResidents: Undergraduate StudentAmenities at Cambridge Apartments
- Vending machines
- Cable
- Elevator
- Air Conditioning
- WiFi
- Laundry room
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What You Need to Know About Moving into Your Dorm Room
- Leaving Home
Missing home, family and friends is a normal part of the adjustment to college life. Get tips and advice for dealing with homesickness in college.
- Dorm Room Essentials
Dorm Packing List
A comprehensive college packing list to help ensure you’ve packed all of the college dorm essentials.
- Roommates
How to Choose a College Roommate
Whether you are able to choose your college roommate or one is assigned to you, use these tips for making your college roommate experience successful.
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